Natalee Holloways death case

18 years after Natalee Holloway’s family finally get justice

World Wide News

Finally Natalee Holloway’s family get justice

BIRMINGHAM Ala. It’s been a long awaited moment for Beth Holloway as she has finally learned the truth about her daughter Natalee’s fate in Aruba dating back to 2005.

Joran van der Sloot now 36 years old and long suspected of involvement in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance admitted his guilt on Wednesday in a federal courtroom in Birmingham. He pleaded guilty to charges of wire fraud and extortion. As part of the plea agreement van der Sloot has agreed to disclose to Beth Holloway how her daughter met her demise and where her body was concealed.

Natalee Holloways death case
Beth Holloway speaks to media after the appearance of Joran van der Sloot outside a federal courthouse in Birmingham, Ala. on Oct. 18, 2023. Van der Sloot, the chief suspect in Natalee Holloway’s 2005 disappearance in Aruba admitted he killed her and disposed of her remains, and pleaded guilty that he tried to extort money from the teen’s mother.
Butch Dill/AP

Natalee went missing during a high school graduation trip to the Dutch Caribbean Island and van der Sloot was the last person seen with the 18-year-old. Although he had been a suspect from the start Aruba authorities were unable to build a case against him.

In the United States federal prosecutors in Alabama filed extortion and wire fraud charges against van der Sloot in 2010 while he was already imprisoned in Peru for the murder of a college student Stephany Flores in his Lima hotel room.

According to the U.S. government’s indictment van der Sloot attempted to extort $250000 from Beth Holloway in exchange for information about Natalee’s death.

In a statement U.S. Attorney Prim Excalona said “Today the United States held Joran van der Sloot accountable for his scheme to exploit a mother seeking information about her missing daughter.”

For Beth Holloway the guilty plea was not the closure she had hoped for. “I can tell you with certainty that after 18 years Natalee’s case is solved as far as I’m concerned” she told reporters outside the courthouse. “It’s over it’s over. Joran van der Sloot is no longer the suspect in my daughter’s murder. He is the killer.”

Holloway stated that specific details about the events of the night when van der Sloot took her daughter’s life would be revealed later. In court she asserted that he had attacked Natalee Holloway after she rejected his advances and disposed of her body in the ocean. Addressing van der Sloot directly she said “You are a killer and I want you to remember that every time you hear that cell door close.”

A judge sentenced van der Sloot to 20 years in a U.S. federal prison. Initially he will be sent back to Peru to complete his sentence for the murder of Flores. If he serves more than 20 years in Peru he will not need to return to the U.S. to fulfill his sentence for extortion and wire fraud.


Q: What charges did Joran van der Sloot plead guilty to in the Birmingham federal courtroom?

A: Joran van der Sloot pleaded guilty to wire fraud and extortion charges.

Q: What information did van der Sloot agree to disclose as part of the plea deal?

A: As part of the plea agreement van der Sloot has agreed to reveal details about how Natalee Holloway died and the location of her body.

Q: Why was Joran van der Sloot a suspect in Natalee Holloway’s case?

A: He was the last person seen with Natalee Holloway during her high school graduation trip to Aruba in 2005.

Q: Why were charges filed against van der Sloot in the United States and what were they related to?

A: In 2010 federal prosecutors in Alabama filed extortion and wire fraud charges against van der Sloot. These charges were related to his attempt to extort money from Natalee Holloway mother Beth Holloway in exchange for information about Natalee’s death.

Q: What was the sentencing for Joran van der Sloot in the U.S. federal court?

A: The judge sentenced van der Sloot to 20 years in a U.S. federal prison.

Q: What is the next step for Joran van der Sloot after the U.S. federal prison sentence?

A: After serving time in the U.S. van der Sloot will be returned to Peru to complete his sentence for the murder of Stephany Flores. If his sentence in Peru exceeds 20 years he will not need to return to the U.S. to complete his sentence for extortion and wire fraud.


In a pivotal moment Joran van der Sloot a long-time suspect in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance has pleaded guilty to wire fraud and extortion charges in a U.S. federal courtroom. This plea has provided some closure for Natalee Holloway mother Beth Holloway who has sought answers for 18 years. Van der Sloot’s sentencing includes a return to Peru to complete his prior murder sentence potentially avoiding a U.S. return after 20 years served.

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