dengue fever

27 more contract dengue virus in 24 hours

Pak News

Dengue Fever Cases

Rawalpindi is currently grappling with a significant increase in dengue cases with 27 new cases reported in the past 24 hours. The total number of confirmed cases has now reached 1992. In this article we will explore the latest updates the efforts of District Coordinator Epidemics Prevention and Control (DCEPC) Dr. Sajjad Mehmood and the measures being taken to combat this outbreak.

The Latest Dengue Cases in Rawalpindi

The recent spike in dengue cases in Rawalpindi is a cause for concern. In the last 24 hours 27 new cases have been reported bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 1992. This alarming increase calls for immediate attention and action to prevent further spread.

DCEPC Dr. Sajjad Mehmood revealed that among the new cases ten individuals arrived from Potohar town urban and the Municipal Corporation Rawalpindi area five from Chaklala Cantonment and one from Gujjar Khan area. With the virus making its way into various parts of the district a coordinated response is essential to mitigate the outbreak’s impact.

Hospital Admissions and Discharges

Of the 101 patients admitted to district hospitals 72 have been confirmed as dengue cases. The good news is that 1919 patients who tested positive have been successfully treated and discharged. This highlights the dedicated efforts of healthcare professionals and the effectiveness of the treatments being provided.

District Administration’s Response

To tackle the dengue outbreak the district administration has been proactive. In the past 24 hours they have registered 37 FIRs against violators of dengue Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Additionally 11 tickets were issued one premise was sealed and a fine of Rs 200500 was imposed on those who failed to adhere to the guidelines. These stringent actions are crucial to ensure that SOPs are followed diligently to contain the spread of the virus.

Vigilant Indoor and Outdoor Surveillance

Surveillance plays a pivotal role in preventing and controlling dengue outbreaks. In the previous 24 hours surveillance teams conducted thorough checks in Rawalpindi inspecting 16759 houses. Alarmingly they found larvae in 547 homes emphasizing the urgent need for vector control and community awareness.

Furthermore outdoor surveillance involved inspecting 6352 locations with 93 sites found to have larvae. This shows the necessity of addressing breeding sites in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Health Facilities and Critical Cases

District health facilities are at the forefront of managing dengue cases. They have allocated 228 beds to cater to dengue patients. Unfortunately three admitted patients are in critical condition underscoring the severity of the disease and the importance of early detection and treatment.

Expert Insights

To gain a deeper understanding of the situation we sought the insights of Dr. Sajjad Mehmood the District Coordinator Epidemics Prevention and Control. He emphasized the need for a community-wide response and urged residents to take proactive measures to eliminate breeding sites for mosquitoes.

Dr. Sajjad’s expertise highlights the importance of community involvement and education in dengue prevention. His leadership is instrumental in the fight against this health crisis.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Community

In light of the rising dengue cases in Rawalpindi it’s essential to take precautions. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself and your community:

Eliminate Breeding Sites: Check your surroundings for standing water and eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites such as uncovered water containers.

Use Mosquito Repellent: Apply mosquito repellent to exposed skin when outdoors especially during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

Wear Protective Clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to reduce exposure to mosquito bites.

Stay Informed: Stay updated with the latest information from health authorities and follow guidelines and SOPs diligently.

Seek Medical Attention: If you experience symptoms of dengue such as high fever severe headache joint and muscle pain and rash seek medical help promptly.


Q: What are the common symptoms of breakbone fever?

A: Common symptoms include high fever severe headache joint and muscle pain and a rash.

Q: How can I prevent dengue?

A: Prevent dengue by eliminating mosquito breeding sites using mosquito repellent and following health guidelines.

Q: Is breakbone fever treatable?

A: Yes dengue is treatable. Early diagnosis and proper medical care are crucial for a full recovery.

Q: What is the role of the district administration in managing dengue?

A: The district administration is responsible for enforcing SOPs issuing fines and taking legal actions against violators to prevent dengue’s spread.

Q: How can the community help combat breakbone fever?

A: The community can help by eliminating breeding sites following health guidelines and raising awareness about breakbone fever prevention.

Q: What is the significance of surveillance in dengue control?

A: Surveillance helps identify and address mosquito breeding sites critical for preventing dengue outbreaks.


The recent surge in breakbone fever cases in Rawalpindi demands immediate action cooperation and awareness. By following preventive measures supporting the district administration and staying informed we can collectively combat this health crisis. Together we can protect our community and prevent further cases of breakbone fever.

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