gaza hospital attack

Biden blames Palestinian group for Gaza hospital attack absolves Israel

World Wide News

Biden blames Palestinian group for Gaza hospital attack

US President Joe Biden arrived in Tel Aviv on Wednesday shortly after Israel launched a devastating airstrike on a hospital in Gaza City resulting in the loss of many Palestinian lives. This event drew condemnation from leaders around the world.

During his visit to Israel President Biden expressed support for Israel’s assertion that Palestinian fighters were responsible for the hospital strike in Gaza and he stated that Hamas had brought “only suffering.”

gaza hospital attack

“I was deeply saddened and outraged by the Gaza hospital attack yesterday. Based on the information I’ve seen it appears that this was carried out by the other side not by you” Biden remarked as he began a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv. However he acknowledged that there is uncertainty surrounding the situation and many people have different perspectives.

Biden emphasized that it’s important to remember that Hamas does not represent all Palestinians and has caused suffering for innocent people caught in the midst of the conflict. He encouraged Netanyahu to provide life-saving assistance to these innocent Palestinians affected by the situation.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that Israel had agreed to cooperate with the United States to facilitate the delivery of aid to Gaza which has been under siege and bombardment for 12 days and subjected to an Israeli blockade for 16 years.

Israel had been considering a ground invasion following the devastating attack by Hamas on October 7. Biden expressed his pride in visiting Israel and praised the courage and commitment of the Israeli people.

Netanyahu despite previous differences with the U.S. government welcomed Biden and commended him for being the first American president to visit Israel during a time of war. He called for global unity against Hamas comparing it to the unity that arose to defeat the Nazis and ISIS.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said responsibility for this crime must be clearly established and the perpetrators held accountable.

The Gaza hospital attack had the potential to disrupt Biden’s visit and Jordan canceled a summit that was supposed to include leaders from the region. Hamas claimed that an Israeli airstrike destroyed the Gaza clinic while Israel stated that a misfired rocket from the Islamic Jihad group hit the Ahli Arab Hospital. The death toll estimated between 200 and 500 people remains a matter of dispute between the two sides and could not be independently verified.

Tensions in the Middle East had already escalated due to the ongoing Gaza conflict leaving thousands dead. The destruction of the hospital exacerbated the situation leading to protests against Israel in various Arab and Muslim cities.

Biden has expressed strong support for Israel and its military campaign which was initiated in response to the Hamas attack on October 7. The conflict had already resulted in significant casualties in Gaza and left the population with limited access to essential supplies.

The situation in Gaza had deteriorated significantly drawing international concern with calls for an end to the violence from various quarters including the UN and world leaders. The attack on the hospital drew swift international condemnation and there were protests and clashes in several countries across the region.

In summary President Biden’s visit to Israel occurred against the backdrop of the hospital attack in Gaza and he expressed support for Israel while also calling for assistance to innocent Palestinians affected by the conflict. The situation in Gaza remains highly volatile and has led to widespread protests and condemnation.


US President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel in the aftermath of a devastating Gaza hospital attack. The article underscores Biden’s support for Israel while acknowledging the need for assistance to innocent Palestinians caught in the crossfire. The ongoing conflict in Gaza has escalated tensions in the Middle East leading to international condemnation and protests across the region. The hospital attack further intensified concerns about the humanitarian impact of the conflict. The situation remains highly complex and volatile and there are urgent calls for a ceasefire and a resolution to the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Also check [The Truth Behind The Gaza Hospital Strike]


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