Emmett Shear

Emmett Shear Co-founder of Twitch is new CEO of OpenAI’s


In a surprising turn of events’ OpenAI has experienced its third CEO change in just three days. Following the unexpected dismissal of former CEO Sam Altman’ Emmett Shear’ co-founder of Twitch’ has stepped in as the interim CEO of OpenAI. The revelation of Shear’s appointment by The Information on Sunday night comes amidst Microsoft’s confirmation of hiring Altman and OpenAI co-founder Greg Brockman to lead a new advanced AI research team.

Emmett Shear’ previously the CEO of Twitch’ announced his acceptance of the interim CEO role in a post on X (formerly Twitter)’ stating’ “Today I got a call inviting me to consider a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: to become the interim CEO of OpenAI. After consulting with my family and reflecting on it for just a few hours’ I accepted.”

Having resigned as Twitch CEO earlier this year’ Emmett Shear steps into the leadership position at OpenAI during a turbulent period for the company. The interim CEO role briefly passed to Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati after Altman’s abrupt termination. Public displays of support for Altman from OpenAI employees surfaced during negotiations with the board regarding his potential reinstatement.

Taking charge nearly a year after the launch of ChatGPT’ Emmett Shear expressed his commitment to OpenAI’s significance’ stating’ “I took this job because I believe that OpenAI is one of the most important companies currently in existence.”

Acknowledging the challenges ahead’ Shear emphasized the strength of OpenAI’s partnership with Microsoft while addressing the need to rebuild trust damaged by the handling of Altman’s removal. “Our partnership with Microsoft remains strong’ and my priority in the coming weeks will be to make sure we continue to serve all our customers well’” Shear assured.

Recognizing the need for transparency’ Shear announced plans to hire an independent investigator to produce a report on the circumstances leading to Altman’s dismissal. Over the next 30 days’ he aims to reform OpenAI’s management and leadership teams’ anticipating potential resignations from discontented executives and employees.

“OpenAI’s stability and success are too important to allow turmoil to disrupt them like this’” Shear stated. While acknowledging that addressing key concerns may take time’ he pledged to work diligently to achieve genuine progress within the organization. The coming weeks will undoubtedly be crucial for OpenAI as it navigates through this significant leadership transition.


Here is more about Emmett Shear

Emmett Shear is a notable figure in the tech and entertainment industry’ recognized for his entrepreneurial ventures’ particularly in the realm of online streaming and gaming. Born on December 24’ 1983’ in Washington’ D.C.’ he has become a key player in shaping the landscape of digital content consumption.

Co-Founder of Twitch: Emmett Shear is perhaps best known as the co-founder of Twitch’ a live streaming platform that revolutionized the way people engage with video games and other forms of online content. He played a pivotal role in the conception and development of Twitch’ which started as a spin-off from Justin.tv’ a platform he co-founded with Justin Kan in 2007.

Innovation in Live Streaming: Under Shear’s leadership’ Twitch quickly rose to prominence’ becoming the go-to platform for gamers and content creators to share their live experiences. The platform’s innovative features’ such as real-time chat and interactive elements’ transformed it into a global phenomenon. Twitch’s success ultimately led to its acquisition by Amazon in 2014 for nearly $1 billion.

Resignation as Twitch CEO: Emmett Shear served as the CEO of Twitch until earlier this year when he made the decision to step down from the role. His departure marked the end of an era for the platform’ which continued to thrive as a leading force in the live streaming industry.

Interim CEO of OpenAI: In a surprising move’ Shear assumed the role of interim CEO at OpenAI after the sudden departure of Sam Altman. His acceptance of this position showcased his willingness to take on significant responsibilities in the tech sector’ emphasizing the importance he places on contributing to groundbreaking initiatives in artificial intelligence.

Entrepreneurial Vision: Beyond his involvement in Twitch and OpenAI’ Emmett Shear has displayed a keen entrepreneurial spirit. He co-founded the accessory brand “Pop & Suki” with Poppy Jamie in 2016’ demonstrating a diverse range of interests beyond the tech and gaming spheres.

Commitment to Transparency and Reform: In light of the recent leadership changes at OpenAI’ Shear has expressed a commitment to transparency and rebuilding trust within the organization. His plans to hire an independent investigator and reform the management teams underscore his dedication to addressing concerns and ensuring the stability and success of OpenAI.

Emmett Shear’s career trajectory highlights not only his success in shaping the landscape of digital entertainment but also his adaptability and commitment to innovation. As he navigates through his role as interim CEO at OpenAI’ his strategic vision and leadership style will undoubtedly play a crucial role in the organization’s future.

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