gas price in pakistan

Gas Prices Expected to increase ahead of IMF’s Economic Review

Pak News


In recent developments, gas prices in Pakistan are poised for a significant increase, a move that could significantly impact various sectors of the economy. This proposed hike, set to coincide with the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) economic review, has raised questions and concerns among industry experts and stakeholders. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this anticipated price surge, its potential consequences, and the timing of its implementation.

Understanding the Proposed Gas Price Hike

The Ministry of Petroleum in Pakistan has put forth a proposal suggesting a substantial increase in gas prices. If approved, this could result in gas prices skyrocketing from the current Rs302 to a staggering Rs600 per MMBtu (Million British Thermal Units). The magnitude of this increase has sent shockwaves through various sectors, especially among businesses that heavily rely on gas as a critical feedstock.

Impact on Fertilizer Manufacturers

Among the industries most affected by this impending gas price hike are fertilizer manufacturers. They are expected to bear the brunt of the increase, with gas rates projected to rise to Rs1580 per MMBtu. This represents a significant jump from the existing rates and could lead to a surge in operational costs for these manufacturers.

Furthermore, there is a looming possibility of a Rs556 increase in the price of gas for fertilizer factories. This sharp increase could cripple the fertilizer industry, leading to higher production costs and potentially impacting the supply and pricing of agricultural products.

Timing and Implications

One of the most critical aspects of this gas price hike is its timing. Originally proposed for June, the decision to implement it in October raises eyebrows, especially as it coincides with the IMF’s economic review. This raises questions about the potential impact on Pakistan’s economic stability and its ongoing negotiations with international financial institutions.

The timing of this decision could pose several challenges for Pakistan’s economic outlook, potentially affecting its credit rating and foreign investments. It also puts additional pressure on the country’s balance of payments, which is already under strain.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) conducts economic reviews of member countries as part of its regular monitoring and assessment of global economic conditions. These reviews are a critical component of the IMF’s role in promoting international monetary cooperation, exchange rate stability, balanced growth of international trade, and the stability of the global financial system.


While the Ministry of Petroleum has not yet officially confirmed the gas price hike, industry insiders believe it is imminent. This move has far-reaching consequences, affecting businesses, consumers, and the overall economic landscape. The impending gas price surge has stirred discussions and concerns among various stakeholders, and its potential repercussions will undoubtedly be a topic of keen interest in the coming months.


1. Why is the Ministry of Petroleum proposing a gas price hike?

The Ministry of Petroleum is considering a gas price hike to address economic challenges and potential revenue shortfalls in the energy sector.

2. How will the gas price increase impact consumers?

Consumers can expect higher utility bills as a result of the gas price hike, potentially leading to increased living costs.

3. What are the implications of the timing of this gas price hike?

The timing, coinciding with the IMF’s economic review, raises concerns about its impact on Pakistan’s economic stability and negotiations with international financial institutions.

4. How will fertilizer manufacturers be affected by the gas price surge?

Fertilizer manufacturers are likely to face increased production costs, potentially impacting the supply and pricing of agricultural products.

5. Is there any official confirmation of the gas price hike?

As of now, the Ministry of Petroleum has not officially confirmed the gas price hike, but industry insiders believe it is imminent.

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