lahore bar strike

Lahore bar goes on strike over fake FIR against secretary in judge lawyers

Pak News

 Lahore bar goes on strike

In an announcement that reverberated through the corridors of the Lahore Bar Association (LBA), an unequivocal strike was declared within the subordinate courts on Thursday. The raison d’être behind this resolute action was the lodging of what they deem to be a spurious case, allegedly invoking terrorism provisions, against none other than their own secretary, Umar Waqas Warraich.

President Rana Intizar, at the helm of the Lahore Bar Association, vociferated against the injustice, decrying the filing of a fallacious First Information Report (FIR) against their esteemed secretary. In his vociferation, Intizar posited that these litigious pursuits directed at members of the legal fraternity constitute a sinister conspiracy against the entire legal community.

In a fervent appeal to the higher echelons of authority, the association implored that the case foisted upon their secretary be summarily expunged from the records, considering it an affront to justice itself. The hallowed halls of justice must not be tainted by such dubious allegations.

Within the precincts of the Islampura police station, the register bears witness to a legal vendetta of sorts. A case, not for the faint-hearted, stands registered, accusing Warraich of taunting and menacing police officials, further adding a layer of complexity to this already intricate legal web.

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