Matthew de Grood

Matthew de Grood awaits decision on absolute discharge 9 years after Calgary stabbings

World Wide News

Matthew de Grood awaits decision on absolute discharge 9 years after Calgary stabbings

03 Nov 2023

During a recent hearing before the Criminal Code Review Board’ the case of Matthew de Grood’ a man found not criminally responsible for the tragic killings of five young people at a Calgary house party’ was under scrutiny. The annual hearing assesses Matthew de Grood’s progress and the possibility of granting him increased privileges or freedoms.

Matthew de Grood
A psychiatrist in charge of treating Matthew de Grood says his risk of reoffending is low. (The Canadian Press)

The background of the case dates back to 2014 when de Grood was declared not criminally responsible for the stabbing deaths of Zackariah Rathwell’ Jordan Segura’ Kaiti Perras’ Josh Hunter’ and Lawrence Hong. The court determined that he had been living with undiagnosed schizophrenia at the time’ and since then’ he has been under psychiatric care.

During the hearing’ it was revealed that Matthew de Grood’s schizophrenia is now in complete remission’ thanks to the consistent use of two medications. His psychiatrist’ Dr. Oghogho Manuwa’ reported that Matthew de Grood had been granted several two-week unescorted passes from an Edmonton group home over the last year to visit his parents in Calgary’ and there were no incidents during these visits.

Dr. Manuwa explained that while Matthew de Grood is assessed as being at a low risk to reoffend’ there is a complex factor to consider: the seriousness of any potential reoffense’ should it occur. He emphasized that the specific risk they were addressing isn’t an everyday occurrence and more information is needed.

Furthermore’ Dr. Manuwa mentioned that Matthew de Grood has been susceptible to anxiety episodes and has not fully engaged with his treatment team in Edmonton’ making it challenging to understand his inner world.

Towards the end of the hearing’ Matthew de Grood was given an opportunity to address the board and the families of the victims. He expressed his commitment to maintaining his well-being and conveyed his sincere apologies if his appeals had added to the families’ suffering.

In a plea to the review board’ de Grood requested consideration for an absolute discharge and a conditional discharge that would allow him to live with his parents.

De Grood’s lawyer’ Jacqueline Petrie’ argued that he is not a danger to the public and has been a model patient for almost a decade’ showing unwavering commitment to treatment and rehabilitation.

Dr. Sergio Santana’ a forensic psychiatrist’ supported de Grood’s return to Calgary but stressed the importance of a full warrant to ensure immediate support in case of any relapse.

The emotional impact of the case was evident when victim impact statements were read by the families of the victims. They shared their grief and the profound loss they have experienced. The hearing served as a reminder of the complexities of the justice system’ mental health’ and the enduring pain of those affected by tragic events.


The hearing before the Criminal Code Review Board regarding Matthew de Grood’s case’ a man found not criminally responsible for a horrific crime’ brings to the forefront the intricate and emotionally charged nature of the justice system.

De Grood’s journey’ from being declared not criminally responsible due to schizophrenia to his current state of remission’ highlights the complexities of managing mental health issues within the criminal justice framework. The delicate balance between treatment’ rehabilitation’ and public safety is a challenge that requires continuous evaluation.

The emotional impact on the families of the victims is undeniable’ as expressed in their victim impact statements. The enduring grief and pain they have endured serve as a stark reminder of the profound and lasting effects of such tragic events.

Ultimately’ this case underscores the need for a nuanced and compassionate approach to individuals with mental health issues who come into contact with the criminal justice system. The decision of the review board will carry significant weight’ as it must consider not only the individual’s progress but also the ongoing healing and well-being of the affected families. The complexity of this case serves as a testament to the multifaceted nature of the legal and mental health systems and the profound impact on all involved parties.

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