Nawaz Sharif

Nawaz Sharif says PML-N enough to steer country crisis

Pak News

PML-N competent enough to steer country out of crisis says Nawaz Sharif

DUBAI: Nawaz Sharif the leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and a former prime minister announced his return to Pakistan citing a sense of “vindication.” He expressed confidence in his party’s ability to lead the country out of its current crisis.

Speaking to journalists at Dubai airport before his departure for Pakistan on Saturday Nawaz Sharif who has served as prime minister three times explained that he had spent the past four years in self-imposed exile in London and was now prepared for a political comeback in the upcoming general elections expected to be held in late January next year.

Nawaz Sharif emphasized that his party the PML-N has the potential to address the grievances of the masses if elected into power. When questioned about the upcoming general elections he expressed his support for the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) stating that their decisions regarding the elections were his preference.

He also noted the presence of a “fair” Election Commission in the country. Sharif believes that his party has the competence to steer Pakistan out of its present crisis expressing his concerns about the current situation in the country.

The PML-N leader often referred to as the “Lion of Punjab” due to his strong support in the eastern and most populous province of Punjab had recently been in Riyadh and Dubai. He is expected to arrive in Islamabad before heading to Lahore where his supporters will gather for a welcome home rally.

Despite his return being highly anticipated by the PML-N it comes with challenges as Nawaz Sharif has a previous conviction for corruption and an outstanding prison sentence. Earlier this week his smooth return was ensured after securing relief from the Islamabad High Court and an accountability court avoiding immediate arrest upon his arrival in the country.

Nawaz Sharif has served as prime minister three times but was ousted in 2017 and banned from politics for life due to a conviction related to undeclared income. He spent less than a year of a seven-year prison sentence before being allowed to seek medical treatment in the United Kingdom disregarding subsequent court orders to return during the government of former prime minister Imran Khan.

His political fortunes changed when his brother Shehbaz Sharif assumed power leading to legislative changes that reduced the disqualification of lawmakers from contesting elections to five years.

Nawaz Sharif’s return is eagerly awaited by his supporters who hope his influence and charisma will reinvigorate the PML-N’s popularity.



Nawaz Sharif’s return to Pakistan after a four-year self-imposed exile marks a significant moment in the country’s political landscape. The former three-time prime minister and leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) expressed a sense of “vindication” as he embarks on a political comeback in anticipation of the upcoming general elections. Despite legal challenges and controversies surrounding his return his supporters hope that his presence and “Lion of Punjab” charisma will revitalize the PML-N’s popularity. The political future of Pakistan is once again set to be influenced by Nawaz Sharif’s return as he seeks to steer the nation out of its present crisis.


Q: Who is Nawaz Sharif and why is his return to Pakistan significant?

A: Nawaz Sharif is a prominent Pakistani politician and the leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N). His return is significant as he is making a political comeback after a four-year self-imposed exile.

Q: Why did Nawaz Sharif leave Pakistan and where has he been during his exile?

A: Nawaz Sharif left Pakistan due to legal issues including a conviction for corruption. During his exile he resided in the United Kingdom for medical treatment.

Q: What is the aim of Nawaz Sharif’s return to Pakistan?

A: Nawaz Sharif’s return is in preparation for the upcoming general elections which are expected to be held in late January next year. He aims to reestablish his political presence and lead his party the PML-N in the elections.

Q: How does Nawaz Sharif view his party’s role in addressing Pakistan’s challenges?

A: Nawaz Sharif believes that his party the PML-N is capable of resolving the issues faced by the people of Pakistan if elected into power.

Q: What legal challenges does Nawaz Sharif face upon his return?

A: Nawaz Sharif has a previous conviction for corruption and an outstanding prison sentence. However he secured legal relief from the Islamabad High Court and an accountability court which ensured his smooth return without immediate arrest.

Q: Why is Nawaz known as the “Lion of Punjab”?

A: Nawaz strong base of support is in the eastern province of Punjab where he is often referred to as the “Lion of Punjab” due to his charismatic leadership and significant influence.

Q: How did Nawaz political fortunes change in recent times?

A: Nawaz’s political fortunes improved when his brother Shehbaz Sharif assumed power. This led to legislative changes reducing the disqualification of lawmakers from contesting elections to five years which favored his political comeback.

Q: What is the general sentiment regarding Nawaz Sharif’s return among his supporters and the PML-N?

A: Nawaz Sharif’s return is highly anticipated by his supporters and the PML-N who hope that his charisma and influence will rejuvenate the party’s popularity and prospects in the upcoming elections.

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