Lisa Marie Presley labelled Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla script

Lisa Marie Presley labelled Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla script “vengeful and contemptuous”


Lisa Marie Presley labelled Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla script “vengeful and contemptuous”

Lisa Marie Presley’ the daughter of the legendary Elvis Presley’ reportedly expressed her deep concerns to filmmaker Sofia Coppola regarding the script of her latest film’ “Priscilla.” In two emails obtained by Variety’ Lisa Marie’ who tragically passed away in January’ shared her distress with the Academy Award-winning director’ urging her to reconsider the portrayal of her father in the film.

“Priscilla” is a biographical film based on Priscilla Presley’s 1985 memoir’ “Elvis and Me.” It focuses on her courtship with Elvis’ which began in 1959 when she was just 14 years old and he was 24. Priscilla Presley serves as an executive producer for the film.

Lisa Marie Presley labelled Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla script
Lisa Marie Presley labelled Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla script
Photograph: Eric Charbonneau/Shutterstock

In one of the emails sent in September 2022’ Lisa Marie wrote’ “My father only comes across as a predator and manipulative. As his daughter’ I don’t read this and see any of my father in this character. I don’t read this and see my mother’s perspective of my father. I read this and see your shockingly vengeful and contemptuous perspective’ and I don’t understand why?”

Lisa Marie was genuinely concerned about how the film’s portrayal of her father could affect her relationship with her mother’ Priscilla Presley. She stated her intentions to openly voice her feelings about the film publicly if necessary.

Lisa Marie also expressed her frustration with the timing of the film’ especially in the wake of Baz Luhrmann’s 2022 biopic “Elvis’” which she regarded as a “break from suffering and a ray of light.” She couldn’t comprehend Sofia Coppola’s motivation to portray her father in a negative light’ particularly while claiming to tell her mother’s story.

The emails further revealed Lisa Marie’s concerns about her mother’s perspective on the film and how it might impact Elvis’s legacy. She felt protective of her mother’ who had spent her life elevating her father’s reputation. Lisa Marie feared that her mother might not fully grasp the film’s intentions or its potential consequences.

Lisa Marie also shared her conversation with one of her children’ who had inquired about the film after seeing an announcement. She had to explain to her child that there would be a movie that might depict her beloved grandfather in a negative light’ despite the truth. Lisa Marie emphasized the challenges her family had faced in recent years’ including her own divorce and custody battles.

It’s worth noting that Priscilla’ the film in question’ had received positive reviews’ particularly for the performances of Cailee Spaeny and Jacob Elordi. Priscilla Presley herself had expressed difficulty in watching a film about her life but praised Sofia Coppola’s work and research.

Variety reported that Lisa Marie’s concerns were based on an earlier draft of the script’ which had been subsequently trimmed by 10 pages.

When asked by Variety to comment on the emails’ Sofia Coppola’s representative responded with the director’s response to Lisa Marie’ where she expressed her hope that the final film would be more sensitive and nuanced’ honoring Priscilla Presley and presenting Elvis with complexity and care.


The exchange of emails between Lisa Marie Presley and filmmaker Sofia Coppola shed light on the emotional complexities surrounding the portrayal of Elvis Presley in the film “Priscilla.” Lisa Marie’s concerns about the script’ which she found vengeful and contemptuous’ were rooted in her deep connection to her father and her desire to protect his legacy. Her worries about the impact on her relationship with her mother’ Priscilla Presley’ further highlighted the personal stakes involved.

While the film “Priscilla” has garnered positive reviews and been appreciated for its performances’ the emails reveal the challenges and sensitivities inherent in depicting the lives of real individuals’ especially iconic figures like Elvis Presley. Sofia Coppola responded with the hope that the final film would present a more nuanced and sensitive portrayal’ aiming to honor Priscilla’s story while acknowledging the complexity of Elvis’s character.

Ultimately’ this exchange underscores the delicate balance filmmakers must strike when telling real-life stories’ respecting the legacies of those involved’ and navigating the intricacies of personal and public perceptions. The public’s curiosity about “Priscilla” remains’ and the final film will undoubtedly be viewed with great interest and scrutiny’ given the emotional and personal dimensions it encompasses.

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