Prince William furious to see Princess Diana exploited by Netflix 6th season

Prince William furious to see Princess Diana exploited by Netflix 6th season

Prince William furious to see Princess Diana exploited by Netflix

Prince William is expressing his deep frustration with the creators of the popular Netflix series, “The Crown,” due to their portrayal of his late mother, Princess Diana, as a ghost in the upcoming sixth season.

In a teaser for the new season of this regal drama, Princess Diana’s ghost is depicted engaging in a conversation with then-Prince Charles and the late Queen Elizabeth. This portrayal has left William, the Prince of Wales, feeling profoundly disturbed by the concept, according to a close friend who spoke to The Daily Beast.

The friend revealed, “It’s incredibly hurtful to have his mother’s memory exploited repeatedly in this undignified manner by Netflix. He won’t be watching it, but he will be deeply disturbed by it.”

When asked whether Prince William is also upset with his younger brother, Prince Harry, for his ongoing collaboration with the streaming giant, the friend explained, “William is harboring a lot of grievances in connection with Harry.”

“Harry’s decision to work with Netflix, a company that has sometimes been critical of the royal family, is certainly one of those grievances,” Prince William’s friend continued.

Many feel that the series has lost its initial credibility as it ventures into increasingly speculative territory. The once-beloved program now finds itself under scrutiny and criticism for its portrayal of real-life events and historical figures.



Prince William’s frustration with the portrayal of his late mother, Princess Diana, as a ghost in Netflix’s series “The Crown” reflects his deeply personal and emotional response to the ongoing portrayal of his family in the media. The decision to depict Diana’s ghost in the show has left him disturbed and hurt, further emphasizing the delicate balance between artistic expression and the impact on real lives.

As the world watches this unfolding drama, it raises questions about the ethics of using real people and events in fictional portrayals, particularly when it comes to a figure as beloved and complex as Princess Diana.


Q: Why is Prince William upset about the portrayal of Princess Diana in “The Crown”?

A: Prince William is deeply disturbed by the portrayal of his late mother as a ghost in the series, feeling that it exploits her memory in an undignified manner.

Q: What is depicted in the teaser of the upcoming season of “The Crown”?

A: The teaser shows Princess Diana’s ghost having a conversation with then-Prince Charles and the late Queen Elizabeth, which has raised concerns and emotions within the royal family.

Q: Is Prince William also upset with his brother, Prince Harry, regarding his collaboration with Netflix?

A: Yes, Prince William has expressed grievances about Prince Harry’s decision to work with Netflix, given the streaming giant’s sometimes critical stance towards the royal family.

Q: What is the general sentiment about “The Crown” in recent years?

A: Many believe that the series has lost some of its initial credibility as it explores increasingly speculative and potentially hurtful portrayals of real-life events and figures.

Q: Why is the portrayal of real people and events in fictional shows a matter of concern?

A: It raises ethical questions about the impact of artistic expression on the lives and emotions of individuals connected to those portrayed in the media.

Q: How does Prince William’s reaction reflect a larger debate about the portrayal of historical figures in media?

A: Prince William’s response highlights the ongoing debate about the ethical portrayal of real-life figures in fictional media. It raises questions about the impact of such portrayals on the emotional well-being of those connected to the individuals depicted.

Is “The Crown” known for its accuracy in portraying historical events and figures? “The Crown” has often been praised for its meticulous attention to historical details. However, it has also faced criticism for taking creative liberties with certain events and characters, which has raised concerns about how accurately it represents history.

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