Putin says U.S. is inflaming Middle East by sending aircraft carrier group

Putin says U.S. is inflaming Middle East by sending aircraft carrier group

World Wide News

On October 11 2023 in Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin voiced his concerns accusing the United States of exacerbating tensions in the Middle East by deploying an aircraft carrier group to the region. He emphasized the importance of seeking compromise solutions and expressed hope that common sense would prevail.

Putin says U.S. is inflaming Middle East by sending aircraft carrier group

Putin viewed the recent outbreak of violence between Israel and the Palestinians as a striking example of the United States’ flawed Middle East policy which in his view has failed to address the needs of the Palestinian people. Following the unexpected attack by Hamas on Israel U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced the movement of a carrier strike group including the USS Gerald R. Ford closer to Israel.

During an energy conference in Moscow Putin criticized the U.S. move echoing Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s earlier criticism. He questioned the rationale behind deploying aircraft carrier groups to the Mediterranean Sea suggesting that it might be to intimidate or even consider military action against Lebanon. Putin strongly asserted that such actions only exacerbated an already volatile situation emphasizing the need for diplomatic compromises.

In addition to this Putin accused Washington of bypassing established processes for addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He noted that by taking matters into their own hands without addressing fundamental issues the U.S. approach had failed to yield positive results. He expressed hope that common sense would ultimately guide the resolution of these conflicts and remarked on the unfounded accusations against Iran in connection with the recent events.

Furthermore Putin underscored the severity of the ongoing violence in Israel and highlighted the necessity of addressing core issues including the establishment of a Palestinian state for a lasting solution. He cautioned that an escalation of the conflict zone could have dire consequences for multiple sectors including logistics insurance and freight while emphasizing that energy production would likely remain unaffected.


In this article Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his concern about the United States’ actions in the Middle East particularly the deployment of an aircraft carrier group to the region. He emphasized the need for “compromise solutions” and urged that common sense should prevail. Putin pointed out the ongoing violence between Israel and the Palestinians as an example of what he viewed as a flawed U.S. Middle East policy that did not adequately consider the needs of the Palestinian people. He also questioned the purpose of sending aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean and stressed that such actions could further escalate tensions.

Additionally Putin criticized the United States for bypassing established diplomatic processes in addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and expressed hope for a more rational and evidence-based approach. He discussed the severity of the violence in Israel and its potential consequences on various sectors including logistics insurance and freight.


Q: Why did Vladimir Putin criticize the United States’ actions in the Middle East?

A: President Putin expressed concerns about the U.S. deploying an aircraft carrier group in the Middle East and believed that diplomatic compromise should be prioritized.

Q: What did Putin say about the ongoing violence between Israel and the Palestinians?

A: He considered it a result of flawed U.S. Middle East policy and highlighted the need to address the Palestinian people’s needs.

Q: What did Vladimir Putin question about the U.S. deployment of aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean?

A: He questioned the purpose of this deployment wondering whether it was intended to intimidate or lead to military actions against specific nations in the region.

Q: Why did Putin criticize the U.S. for bypassing established diplomatic processes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

A: He believed that such unilateral actions had failed to resolve fundamental issues and should be replaced with a more evidence-based approach.

Q: What did Putin say about the potential consequences of the ongoing conflict in Israel?

A: He warned that the conflict could impact various sectors including logistics insurance and freight but noted that energy production would likely remain unaffected.

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