Report reveals Afghan SIMs linked to Crimes; NADRA’s role in identity

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Report reveals Afghan SIMs linked to Crimes Terrorism

A recent report has uncovered the widespread utilization of Afghan mobile phone SIM cards in acts of terrorism and criminal activities taking place within Pakistan. This revelation sheds light on the unsettling ways in which these SIM cards are being exploited, along with a troubling discovery regarding the involvement of numerous officers from the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) in facilitating the inclusion of Afghan names within Pakistani families.

The report draws attention to the fact that unregistered Afghan SIM cards are disturbingly accessible in the border regions that straddle Pakistan and Afghanistan. These SIM cards have now become the preferred tools for terrorists operating in the region, allowing them to communicate and coordinate their activities discreetly. Notably, they utilize popular communication apps such as WhatsApp, enabling terrorists to maintain anonymity as they plot and execute their malevolent deeds.

It has also come to light that many Afghans have fraudulently acquired Pakistani identity cards, often with the connivance of corrupt NADRA officials. Beyond facilitating terrorism, these Afghan SIM cards have been linked to a spectrum of serious crimes, including murder and kidnapping for ransom.

In response to the report’s findings, recommendations have been put forth to effectively address these security challenges. It has been proposed that measures be taken to curtail the use of Afghan SIM cards in sensitive border areas. Furthermore, the report underscores the significance of rigorous monitoring of suspicious activities on Wi-Fi networks, as this has emerged as yet another avenue for illicit communication and coordination among individuals involved in unlawful activities.

The implications of this report are deeply concerning. It underscores not only the need for enhanced security measures but also the importance of trust and integrity within government institutions. The involvement of corrupt officials in facilitating these illicit activities further erodes public trust. It is imperative that those responsible for safeguarding the nation’s security act with the utmost diligence and dedication.

Enhanced Cybersecurity: Improving cybersecurity measures is essential to monitor and counter illicit digital communication. This involves investing in advanced monitoring tools, conducting regular cybersecurity audits, and ensuring that law enforcement agencies have the necessary expertise to combat cyber threats effectively.

Public Awareness Campaigns: Launching public awareness campaigns can help educate citizens about the risks associated with unregistered SIM cards and the importance of reporting suspicious activities. Encouraging the public to be vigilant and proactive in reporting potential threats can be a valuable asset in maintaining security.


The revelation of Afghan SIM cards being used in acts of terrorism and crime within Pakistan is a grave matter that demands immediate attention. Addressing this issue requires a multi-pronged approach, including stricter controls on SIM card registration, increased border security, and a thorough investigation into the complicity of NADRA officials. In an age where technology can be a double-edged sword, vigilance in monitoring digital communication is equally crucial.


Q1: How are terrorists using these Afghan SIM cards?

A1: Terrorists are utilizing Afghan SIM cards to communicate and coordinate their activities, often using popular messaging apps like WhatsApp to maintain anonymity.

Q2: What role do corrupt NADRA officials play in this issue?

A2: Corrupt NADRA officials have been involved in facilitating the inclusion of Afghan names in Pakistani families and the fraudulent acquisition of Pakistani identity cards.

Q3: What recommendations have been made in response to the report’s findings?

A3: Recommendations include curbing the use of Afghan SIM cards in sensitive border areas and increasing monitoring of suspicious activities on Wi-Fi networks to combat illicit communication.

Q4: What is the broader significance of this issue?

A4: This issue highlights the need for trust and integrity within government institutions and the importance of safeguarding national security in an age of advancing technology.

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