
SECP Warns Public against Investing in Fraudulent Schemes

Pak News

SECP Warns Public against Investing

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has issued a warning to the public regarding fraudulent investment schemes offered by Meilleuretech Services a sole proprietorship owned by Zeeshan Munir. This advisory was reported by ARY News on Sunday.

The SECP has observed that Meilleuretech Services is engaging in illegal practices by accepting deposits from the public. They are doing this by promoting illegal “advertisement watching packages” and making unrealistic promises of daily and weekly returns. Importantly Meilleuretech Services does not possess the necessary license to collect deposits from the public.

Numerous complaints have been filed with the SECP by individuals who after depositing their funds with Meilleuretech Services did not receive the promised packages. Instead they were asked to recruit more people or deposit additional funds to access their earnings.

To address this issue the SECP has taken legal action against Mr. Munir and his associated entities. This action includes the deregistration and winding up of Meilleuretech Services disqualifying Mr. Munir from holding the positions of chief executive and director in any company and imposing penalties. additionally the matter has been referred to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for further investigation.

Meilleuretech Services has been added to the list of companies engaged in unauthorized activities which can be found on the SECP’s website. This list serves as a warning indicating that these entities are prohibited from accepting deposits or investments from individuals and groups.

Certainly I can provide some general recommendations for safe investments. However it’s important to note that all investments carry some degree of risk and the level of risk can vary depending on factors such as your financial goals investment horizon and risk tolerance. Here are some relatively safe investment options to consider:

  1. Savings Accounts: A savings account at a reputable bank is one of the safest places to park your money. It offers liquidity and typically comes with federal deposit insurance (in the U.S. it’s FDIC insurance) that protects your funds up to a certain limit.
  2. Certificates of Deposit (CDs): CDs are low-risk investments that offer a fixed interest rate for a specific term ranging from a few months to several years. They are also typically insured making them a safe option.
  3. Government Bonds: Bonds issued by the government such as U.S. Treasury bonds are considered very safe investments. They are backed by the government’s ability to tax and print money making default highly unlikely.
  4. Municipal Bonds: Municipal bonds are issued by state and local governments. They are generally considered safe especially when they have a strong credit rating. Interest income from municipal bonds is often tax-free.
  5. Corporate Bonds: While corporate bonds carry more risk than government bonds they are still relatively safe if you invest in bonds issued by financially stable companies. Be sure to assess the creditworthiness of the issuer.
  6. Index Funds and ETFs: Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index funds offer diversification by tracking a broad market index. While they can fluctuate in value they are generally considered safe over the long term due to diversification.
  7. Dividend-Paying Stocks: Companies with a history of consistent dividend payments can be a relatively safe way to invest in the stock market. Dividends provide a source of income even when stock prices are volatile.
  8. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): REITs allow you to invest in real estate properties without buying physical properties. They often provide stable income through dividends.
  9. Money Market Funds: Money market funds invest in short-term low-risk securities like Treasury bills and commercial paper. They aim to maintain a stable net asset value (NAV) of $1 per share.
  10. Diversified Investment Portfolios: Consider diversifying your investments across various asset classes (stocks bonds real estate) through mutual funds or professionally managed portfolios. Diversification can help spread risk.

It’s essential to consult with a financial advisor or do thorough research before making any investment decisions. Your choice of investments should align with your financial goals risk tolerance and time horizon. Additionally keep in mind that past performance is not indicative of future results and even safe investments may not guarantee high returns.


The SECP’s warning serves as a crucial alert to the public urging them to exercise caution and avoid investing in fraudulent schemes like those offered by Meilleuretech Services. It highlights the importance of conducting due diligence and ensuring that investment opportunities are legitimate and compliant with regulatory requirements. The actions taken by the SECP against Meilleuretech Services demonstrate its commitment to protecting investors and maintaining the integrity of the financial market in Pakistan.


Q1: What is Meilleuretech Services and why has the SECP issued a warning about it?

A1: Meilleuretech Services is a company owned by Zeeshan Munir that has been offering fraudulent investment schemes. The SECP has issued a warning because Meilleuretech Services is illegally accepting deposits from the public promising unrealistic returns and operating without the necessary license.

Q2: What actions is the SECP taking against Meilleuretech Services and its owner Zeeshan Munir?

A2: The SECP is taking legal action which includes deregistering Meilleuretech Services disqualifying Mr. Munir from holding certain positions in companies and imposing penalties. The matter has also been referred to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for further investigation.

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