
US Support to Israel in Wake of Hamas Attack White House says 100 killed

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US Support to Israel in Wake of Hamas Attack

In a recent statement, the White House expressed its strong condemnation of the unprovoked attacks carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians. The United States is leaving no room for ambiguity as it firmly stands alongside the Government and people of Israel during this challenging time, extending heartfelt condolences for the lives lost in these attacks.

National security advisor Jake Sullivan maintained close contact with Israeli partners throughout the operation, demonstrating the United States’ commitment to its key ally. Additionally, the Pentagon emphasized its unwavering support for Israel’s right to self-defense, pledging to provide the necessary means to protect civilians from indiscriminate violence and terrorism.

These developments underscore the United States’ deep concern for the safety of Israeli citizens and its commitment to ensuring their security.

In a video statement following the attacks, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, declared that the nation is in a state of war. He emphasized that this is not merely an ‘operation’ or a ’round’ but a full-fledged conflict. In response, he ordered the call-up of reservists and vowed that Hamas would face consequences previously unencountered.

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s resolve to defend Israel and protect its citizens is evident in his strong words and decisive actions.

As the situation continues to unfold, the number of casualties has been a matter of concern. Israel’s national rescue service reported that at least 100 people have lost their lives in the widespread Hamas assault within Israel. Hospitals in Israel are working tirelessly to treat hundreds of wounded individuals, including dozens in critical condition. Meanwhile, there have been reports of casualties in Gaza as well, with at least nine people confirmed dead.The toll on human lives and the suffering endured by both Israeli and Palestinian communities emphasize the urgency for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.


The United States’ unequivocal support for Israel underscores the importance of strong international alliances in times of crisis. As the situation evolves, it is crucial for all parties involved to prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians and to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict.



Q1: Why did the White House condemn the Hamas attacks?

A1: The White House condemned the attacks to express its unwavering support for Israel and to denounce the unprovoked violence against Israeli civilians.

Q2: What is the stance of the United States on Israel’s right to self-defense?

A2: The United States has reaffirmed its commitment to Israel’s right to defend itself and has pledged to provide the necessary means to protect civilians.

Q3: How many casualties have been reported in the recent attacks?

A3: Israel’s national rescue service reported at least 100 people killed in the Hamas assault within Israel, with many more injured. Additionally, there have been casualties reported in Gaza as well.

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